Dear player and/or parent/guardian of player and Coach,
Rowan’s Law requires all players under 26 years of age and all parents/guardians of players under 18 years of age and coaches to review Ontario’s Concussion Awareness Resources and OBA’s Concussion Policy and Code of Conduct on a yearly basis.
You are required by law to review the Ontario’s Concussion Awareness Resources, which can be found here (
You are required by law to review OBA’s Concussion Policy and Code of Conduct, which can be found here (
On January 1, 2022, Rowan’s Law – Concussion Safety (Phase 2) will come into effect in the province of Ontario. Phase 2 requires all sport organizations to establish removal-from-sport and return-to-sport protocols for concussion management.
Ontario Basketball’s Concussion Policy, approved and published in July 2019, already outlines these protocols. Additionally, in light of the January 1, 2022 deadline, OBA has recently polished the removal-from-sport and return-to-sport processes and documentation required in this section of the policy. We would like to draw your attention to the newly added resources below, which are also linked at the end of the Concussion Policy online: