• Competitive coaches have a wealth of basketball knowledge and experience. Coaches are also selected based on their respect for others, fair play, commitment, and leadership, teaching, feedback, and communication skills.

  • Competitive coaches are subject to OBA NCCP certification requirements (Learn to Train up to U12, Train to Train from U13 to U19).

  • Blazer coaches participate in coaching clinics as offered throughout the year and are supported by the Director of Competition.

  • Our competitive teams participate in the Eastern Ontario Basketball League (EOBL), as well as local and out-of-town tournaments throughout the season (usually at least 3 tournaments). The Blazers try to host our own tournaments for age U10-U14.

  • All competitive teams are assigned two practices each week at facilities in Brockville and Prescott (1.5 to 2 hours per practice). Some teams may look to add another weekly session, e.g. fitness/conditioning. Blazers Executive will determine if this works.

  • The competitive Blazers registration fee ($150) covers:

    • All EOBA and Ontario Basketball Association (OBA) registration fees for teams, coaches and players, including insurance.

    • Coach costs (clothing, training, stipend)

    • Overhead costs for the club.

  • The competitive Team registration fee ($450+) covers:

    • Referee fees for 12 EOBA League games and the EOBL Championship tournament at the end of the season. Should teams want extra exhibition games, that would be part of the team fees.

    • The cost of tournaments and Ontario Cup registration. Any additional team fees are set and collected by individual teams, and will vary depending on their tournaments and leagues.

    • Any team clothing (warmups), extra-curricular activities and parties.

  • Families can expect to incur additional costs when participating in out-of-town tournaments (i.e. hotel and food).

  • Competitive-program players will require use of Blazers uniforms.  Each player will give a $150 cheque deposit when receiving their uniform.  This will be returned to parent at the end of the season when uniforms are returned in same condition.


In general, each competitive team has a minimum of two tryout dates. This can vary depending on the number of player registered for competitive tryouts. If a large number of players register for an age group three tryout dates may be held. If a low number of players register for an age group then the tryouts for multiple teams may be held at the same time.

Players wishing to play up an age group must consult with the Blazers Executive prior to the first tryout and follow the Blazers playing-up policy.

If the coaching staff of a team is looking to select players to compete at the AA+ level of play, that will be announced prior to tryouts so that players and parents are aware of the expectations and commitment.

Players who register for competitive tryouts are encouraged to also register for the corresponding recreational teams and house league in the case they are not chosen for a competitive team, or decide they are not able to make the necessary commitment.

  • The selection process is based on a number of factors including physical characteristics, endurance, attitude, coachability, intensity, basketball skills such as shooting, dribbling and rebounding, and team play (see selection criteria of the OBA athlete selection policy).

  • Based on evaluation of the above criteria, the coaching staff will select the team roster, which is typically 12 players but may range from 10 to 15 players (the OBA maximum).

  • U13 to U19 competitive Blazer coaches have discretion over playing time, but any player who shows commitment, respect and effort should get meaningful minutes per game, on average. Coaches may limit their roster to 11 (or even 10) players in order to do that.

  • The selection process can commence after the first, second, or third tryout dates and is usually based on the number of players trying out.

  • 2024-25 tryouts for competitive teams will be held during the first half of September. Details will be announced as available